Have option to have mic off by default for screen recordings
Youcef Es-skouri
Done in v95 of the app. Please update to the latest version of Capture. You can see which one you have by going into the app's Preferences.
You will find an option in the Preferences to turn off microphone by default on screen recordings!
Youcef Es-skouri
in progress
Youcef Es-skouri
Theo Champlin
In the vast majority of cases, I want my microphone off when recording. Being on by default adds an extra step each time I want to use the feature.
Youcef Es-skouri
Merged in a post:
I should not have to grant Microphone permissions if I just want to record video without audio
John Kurlak
In order to capture video, I need to grant Microphone permissions to Dropbox Capture, even if I don't plan to capture audio with my video. Capture should only ask for Microphone permissions when it needs Microphone permissions.
Youcef Es-skouri
Merged in a post:
Remember microphone toggle setting
It'd be helpful if the mic on/off toggle would remember it's setting.
I often make multiple videos in a row where I don't want/need the mic to be enabled, and at other times, multiple videos where I do.
If it remembered it's last setting then I wouldn't have to remember toggling it off every time I record ;-)
This might resolve https://dropbox-capture.canny.io/community/p/have-option-to-have-mic-off-by-default-for-screen-recordings as well, although I'm assuming that issue is about a preference setting ^
Karan Khanna
Merged in a post:
Add a preference to mute screen recordings by default
Nick Morris
I usually mute screen recordings so it would be helpful to have a preference to disable it for new recordings be default.
Youcef Es-skouri
Noted. Thank you so much for your feedback. I will keep this one here so that other customers can chime in and vote!
Youcef Es-skouri
Merged in a post:
Ability to mute microphone as default.
Ugur Akdemir
Currently, microphone is turned on as default and it must be muted manually before recording. Having an option to set microphone muted as default would be much useful.
Karan Khanna
Tejas Patel thanks for your feedback! We changed the default given many people were running into the opposite issue as well -- taking a recording with a voiceover and only realizing after the fact they were muted. Based on research/feedback we thought this was a better default.
We are looking at ways to make the mic indicator more 'obvious' that sound is on, and will also leave this suggestion of having a default option in the preferences open so people can vote for it. Thanks again!
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