Youcef Es-skouri
Merged in a post:
Record application/computer audio
Davey Wagemakers
Now when you do screenrecordings, there is no option to record the computer audio, which would be a really helpful feature for feedback videos in the post production industry
Andrew Schamp
I did it by accident once, and someone said they liked it, so now I like to DJ background music for my voiceovers for demo captures (which I make for every diff). So having control over this and the mix level would be very nice, using the mic to pick it up is okay but not always ideal.
Youcef Es-skouri
Braden Chase
Hi! I still don't see this one. It would be VERY helpful in my situation.
I'm on a Mac.
Karan Khanna
Braden Chase: Thanks for writing in-- we're still working through this one! Curious, what situation are you looking to use this for?
Braden Chase
Karan Khanna: Hi! Currently looking for a way to record FaceTime calls. Everything I try locks up or gets blocked by the OS. It would be quite a value add if you could figure out a way around that.
Alan James
Love to be able to record a Video call on Mac OS.
Phil Bao
look forward to using it on windows 11
Tyrant Tarnation
Joel Armstrong
Working on mac. I do audio mixing so I use an interface for audio in and out. I need to record system audio as well as my talkback mic at the same time. I hope this comes out soon!
Youcef Es-skouri
Chris: We are actively working on it, Chris. Thanks for your patience!
Heather Fenoughty
Mac - being able to select different sources for both mic input and system audio separately would be very handy. I'm a sound designer and sometimes demo audio programmes/strategies for assistants. Thanks!
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